Learn from Industry Experts
Data & Technology Academy is partnering different consulting companies and industrial experts to deliver training courses in Data Science and Information Technology.
Actionable Training
Courses are designed for everyone interested in Data Science and/or Information Technology.
Wide Variety of Subjects
More and more courses are developing to meet the rapid changes in the digital world.
Premium Material
Our training materials are always keeping updated in order to fit for new challenges.
Our Most Popular Courses
There are a number of popular courses and several of them are being shown here.
Be in Demand with Our Professional Training
Our professional training courses are built by industrial experts with sharing their professional skills and best practices. Further, we are providing online courses and live-training with our instructor network.

Our courses are focused on building solid skills and sharing real-world application examples. We are helping students to improve their skills and to build their “competitive advantages” in the job market.
This platform is partnering experienced instructors from top consulting companies. All training courses are available in English, Cantonese and Putonghua.
Data & Technology Academy is a learning platform with online classes taught by the world’s best practitioners.
Training Partners

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